We have some of the most award winning-est teas out there.
Since day one, we have been recognized for our work supporting our mission of doing good things for the plant, people, and environment. Our CEO, Linda Appel Lipsius, has taken home awards for her inspiring work in the industry. And not to forget our award-winning hot and iced teas.

For The Company/Our Mission
The 2017 Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink
Fortune and Time Inc. sister publication Food & Wine teamed up for the fourth annual list of the women who had the most transformative impact in the last year on what we eat and drink. We're proud to have our very own CEO and Co-Founder, Linda Appel Lipsius, make the list. [Full Article]
Linda Lipsius awarded industry leader by the Specialty Food Association
Teatulia Organic Teas’ Co-founder and CEO, Linda Appel Lipsius, was named a winner of the Specialty Food Association’s fourth annual Leadership Awards. The awards honor leaders who have gone "above and beyond" in advancing food standards in society by creating social, economic, and environmental impact through innovation and vision. [Full Article]
'25 Innovative Consumer And Retail Brands For 2015'
Teatulia Organic Teas is proud to be named one of the 25 Most Innovative Consumer Brands for 2015 by CircleUp in collaboration with Forbes. According to the founder and CEO of Circleup, Ryan Caldbeck, Teatulia was selected for the 2015 top 25 for "bringing us organic tea, while operating a social cooperative tea garden in Bangladesh–one of the largest in the world." [Full Article]
2014 Colorado Business Magazine's top companies to watch
2014 IF Packaging Design Award
Winner – Tea Packaging
“Packaging is not just a protective shell, it is indeed part of the product itself. It is also pivotal in point-of-sale buying decisions. The iF packaging design award acknowledges this by recognizing outstanding packaging design."
2013 Naturally Boulder Autumn Awards
Winner – Focus on the Future Sustainability Award
“Naturally Boulder is an economic development organization whose mission is to nurture start-up natural foods companies and promote Boulder as the epicenter of the natural products movement. The Autumn Awards Awards are presented to outstanding candidates demonstrating significant business development and commitment to the principles of Naturally Boulder.”
Teatulia: A small tea company helps lift a village out of poverty
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- For some businesses, giving back means making a tax-deductible donation to a local little league team. But for Teatulia, an organic tea company, giving back means creating a better life for a community halfway around the globe. [Full Article]
Teatulia: How organic tea transformed a Bangladesh community
To transform the parched, arid Bangladeshi soil into a lush organic tea garden took dung. Tons of it. How to acquire the massive amounts needed was the sticky problem facing Kazi Anis Ahmed, the 41-year-old cofounder and president of Teatulia. After all, it was not exactly part of the doctoral thesis in comparative literature that he had completed at New York University. [Full Article]
2011 Sofi Awards
Silver – Lemongrass Herbal Infusion
Outstanding Hot Beverage Category
“Since 1972, the Sofi Awards have honored the best of the best in specialty foods and beverages from members of the Specialty Food Association. The Awards represent culinary innovation across America and around the globe.”
The Tea
2019 Global Tea Championships
Bronze MedalCommercial Iced Competition
Passion Fruit Black Iced Tea

2018 Global Tea Championships
Silver MedalIced Tea Category
Hibiscus Berry Iced Tea

2018 Global Tea Championships
Silver MedalIced Tea Category
Watermelon Black Iced Tea

2018 Global Tea Championships
Bronze MedalOolong Category
Oolong Tea
2016 North American Tea Championships
3rd PlaceFALL - Black Tea Category
Black Tea
2016 North American Tea Championships
1st PlaceFoodservice Black Category
Classic Black Iced Tea
2014 North American Tea Championships
2nd PlaceSingle Serve - Black Tea - Single Origin Category
Black Tea
2014 North American Tea Championships
3rd PlaceSingle Serve - Oolong Tea Category
Oolong Tea
2014 North American Tea Championships
3rd PlaceSingle Serve - White Tea Category
White Tea
2013 North American Tea Championships
3rd PlaceJasmine Scented Green Tea Category
Jasmine Green Tea
2013 North American Tea Championships
1st PlaceFoodservice Herbal Category
Hibiscus Berry Iced Tea
2013 North American Tea Championships
2nd PlaceEarl Grey Tea Category
Earl Grey Tea